County Show


Our annual County Show took place on Saturday 18th May 2024 at Knighton Community Hall, with 18 WIs taking part.  It was lovely to see all the entries laid out in the morning ready for judging.  The afternoon's viewing and prize giving was lively and busy - a chance for members to catch up and celebrate  their creativity.

Many thanks to all who took part, and to Eira Edwards and her volunteers from the Cookery & Craft subcommittee who worked so hard to set this up and run the day successfully.

And the winners were......

County Shield   Awarded to WI achieving the highest total of marks in Classes 1,2,3,4 combined -  Nantmel

Peter Jenkins Shield  Awarded to WI gaining second places in classes 1,2,3 &4 combined - Newbridge on Wye

Millennium Trophy  Awarded to the winning small table display - Chatterbrook and Nantmel

N + P Trophy Awarded to WI with under 12 members achieving highest marks in Classes 1,2,3 &4 combined - Newbridge on Wye

Morgan & Co Award Cup WI with 14 and over members with the most points in Classes 1,2a,3,4 combined - Nantmel

The Ann Davies Memorial Trophy  WI with most points in Class 2b  - Bryngwyn

Joan Lewis Memorial Shield Awarded to WI with highest marks in Art Section Nantmel

Yvonne Mills Bowl Awarded to WI with highest marks in photography section - Nantmel

Mr & Mrs Duncan Thomas Craft Trophy Awarded to WI with highest marks in Class 2 - Craft - Newbridge on Wye

Federation Cup  Floral - Llangunllo

Crystal Vase - Staging & Display - Aberedw

Mrs JAP Thomas Rose Bowl  Rose Bowl - New Radnor

Rebe Brick Crystal Bowl  1st position with flowers - New Radnor

Bwlchysarnau Rose Bowl  Brecon Cup - Not Awarded